I would imagine that I am not the only one asking that question after the wild events of last week. Many of us worry about our investments or 401Ks and the world financial markets. Some speak of the coming one-world government that would begin the end times.
But as I think about it, there is probably a mother in Sudan watching her child die of starvation. There is a family in Orrisa in India fearing for their lives because a fellow church member was burned alive in the last couple of days. There is a family in Haiti that fears starvation and disease because the tiny shack that they once called home has now disappeared.
For many in the world, they are living in the end times, they don't know if today will be their last and they are helpless to do anything about it. I pray that as a nation that we don't have to lose what we have in order to appreciate what God has given us. Now is the day more than ever that I must live my Christian faith and do all that I can to marshal as many resources for God's work around the world.
There is a man named Dr. David Barret along with Dr. Todd M. Johnson who has compiled very amazing statistics concerning world population and the growth of the church as it pertains to the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20.) http://www.gcts.edu/ockenga/globalchristianity/resources.php
Some of the noteworthy statistics are:
10,000 unevangelized people groups who have no Christian witness.
There are 2.1 billion people in the world that have not heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
1.1 billion people in the world are not able to read or write.
Over 2 billion people in the world are under 15 years old.
Christians have a combined income of 18 trillion dollars.
175,000 Christians will give their lives this year for their faith.
These numbers give me a new perspective, and they tell me that the God who made a universe so vast that even the greatest minds on earth cannot fathom it can take care of our tomorrows.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Ernie Miller Park Nature Trail

One of the wonderful things about home schooling is being able to take Benjamin to all of the museums and nature parks in the area. We were able to take several pictures of flowers, and next we will look up the flowers and plants to identify them. The trail we went to is about 2 miles, so not only do you get plenty of science in but a lot of PE as well.
Monday, September 15, 2008
A Biblical Perspective on the Current Financial Crisis

I friend of mine who manages a biblically based investment fund called "Eventide" recently sent an email concerning the current Wall Street crisis as it pertains to Psalm 52. I thought I would post it for anyone who might be blessed by it.
Obviously this weekend, and today, marks a very significant further meltdown in the fortunes of certain American financial institutions. It remains far from clear what else might fail and just how far the damage will spread. In reading Psalm 52, I am struck by its applicability to what is playing out in our financial services sector. Verse 7 seems a rather apt description of many American financial institutions — both the trusting in wealth and the fact that (much of) that wealth came from "destroying others." (Think how many relatively poor and unsophisticated borrowers are now in great financial peril or ruin because of the abuses of the subprime mortgage marketplace. Similarly, think how many individuals are in deep trouble with credit card debt that was aggressively marketed to those for whom it has proved toxic.) Verse 5 seems a telling description of the consequences coming to bear on these institutions and their malignant practices.
I say this with no pleasure whatsoever. There is widespread economic pain and even systemic danger. But it is also a very large reminder that, as God makes clear in Proverbs, "ill-gotten gain" — profit made at the expense of others — inevitably brings a day of reckoning. Unfortunately, such practices have become normative in many financial institutions and in many parts of the business landscape as a whole. Hence the importance of Eventide's commitment to searching out investment opportunities in which well-gotten gain comes as a byproduct of companies' creating real value and blessing for individuals and society. And as we do so, I believe that Eventide and our shareholders will be characterized by verse 8 instead.
Psalm 52
1 Why do you boast of evil, you mighty man? Why do you boast all day long, you who are a disgrace in the eyes of God?
2 Your tongue plots destruction; it is like a sharpened razor, you who practice deceit.
3 You love evil rather than good, falsehood rather than speaking the truth. Selah
4 You love every harmful word, O you deceitful tongue!
5 Surely God will bring you down to everlasting ruin: He will snatch you up and tear you from your tent; he will uproot you from the land of the living. Selah
6 The righteous will see and fear; they will laugh at him, saying,
7 "Here now is the man who did not make God his stronghold but trusted in his great wealth and grew strong by destroying others!"
8 But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God's unfailing love for ever and ever.
9 I will praise you forever for what you have done; in your name I will hope, for your name is good. I will praise you in the presence of your saints.
I friend of mine who manages a biblically based investment fund called "Eventide" recently sent an email concerning the current Wall Street crisis as it pertains to Psalm 52. I thought I would post it for anyone who might be blessed by it.
Obviously this weekend, and today, marks a very significant further meltdown in the fortunes of certain American financial institutions. It remains far from clear what else might fail and just how far the damage will spread. In reading Psalm 52, I am struck by its applicability to what is playing out in our financial services sector. Verse 7 seems a rather apt description of many American financial institutions — both the trusting in wealth and the fact that (much of) that wealth came from "destroying others." (Think how many relatively poor and unsophisticated borrowers are now in great financial peril or ruin because of the abuses of the subprime mortgage marketplace. Similarly, think how many individuals are in deep trouble with credit card debt that was aggressively marketed to those for whom it has proved toxic.) Verse 5 seems a telling description of the consequences coming to bear on these institutions and their malignant practices.
I say this with no pleasure whatsoever. There is widespread economic pain and even systemic danger. But it is also a very large reminder that, as God makes clear in Proverbs, "ill-gotten gain" — profit made at the expense of others — inevitably brings a day of reckoning. Unfortunately, such practices have become normative in many financial institutions and in many parts of the business landscape as a whole. Hence the importance of Eventide's commitment to searching out investment opportunities in which well-gotten gain comes as a byproduct of companies' creating real value and blessing for individuals and society. And as we do so, I believe that Eventide and our shareholders will be characterized by verse 8 instead.
Psalm 52
1 Why do you boast of evil, you mighty man? Why do you boast all day long, you who are a disgrace in the eyes of God?
2 Your tongue plots destruction; it is like a sharpened razor, you who practice deceit.
3 You love evil rather than good, falsehood rather than speaking the truth. Selah
4 You love every harmful word, O you deceitful tongue!
5 Surely God will bring you down to everlasting ruin: He will snatch you up and tear you from your tent; he will uproot you from the land of the living. Selah
6 The righteous will see and fear; they will laugh at him, saying,
7 "Here now is the man who did not make God his stronghold but trusted in his great wealth and grew strong by destroying others!"
8 But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God's unfailing love for ever and ever.
9 I will praise you forever for what you have done; in your name I will hope, for your name is good. I will praise you in the presence of your saints.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Ben's Visit to Holy-Field Vineyard: A lesson on John 15
Janey and I attend a Sunday School at which our teacher, Rus Wesley, works hard to bring the Bible alive as much as possible. With all of the references in the Bible about grapevines, our class took a trip to visit a local vineyard. We were able to experience first hand what is involved in harvesting the fruit of the vine and seeing how the fruit of the vine not only represents God's blessing but we could see how the gleaning fed the poor. We could also see firsthand what Jesus was saying in John 15 how "He is the true vine" and we are to abide in the vine.
Ben as usual was a big hit with everyone. He is so enthusiatic whenever he gets to do something new. He clipped those grapes like a pro and did really well with the ones that were down low. After helping pick grapes for 2 hours, he was disappointed that we were done. After we got home it was fun bringing the Bible to life for Benjamin as we studied the different passages that pertain to grapes, like John Chapter 15.
Ben as usual was a big hit with everyone. He is so enthusiatic whenever he gets to do something new. He clipped those grapes like a pro and did really well with the ones that were down low. After helping pick grapes for 2 hours, he was disappointed that we were done. After we got home it was fun bringing the Bible to life for Benjamin as we studied the different passages that pertain to grapes, like John Chapter 15.
Junk Vehicles Make Good Donations

The recycling process of vehicles should always be done with environmentally safe means. Often abandoned or junk vehicles have fluids like motor oil, transmission fluid, power steering fluid, gasoline and antifreeze. Also, batteries have toxic acid and lead and many vehicles have remote switches that contain murcury.
Recycled vehicles come from many sources: tow companies, private parties, auto auctions and charities. When an individual has a car he no longer needs, this is a perfect opportunity make a great donation of their Junk Vehicle!
Simply by logging on to http://www.idonate.com/ click on donate vehicle and give us the information and we will gladly pick up your junk vehicle without any charge. All that is required is that you have a clear title without any liens.
Not only are vehicle donations a great gift to ministries, our business partners will take your donation and put it to good use as well as environmentally recycle it.
Our vehicle business partners will begin an environmentally friendly dismantling process by emptying the vehicle of any trash and/or leftover items. They continue the dismantling process by removing and recycling fluids and hazardous materials. Batteries are removed, tested and resold or recycled depending on the test results. At the same time, they carefully remove any mercury switches used in the engine compartment and trunk to prevent extremely toxic chemicals from entering our air and waterways. Freon (used by air conditioners), power steering fluid and brake fluid are all removed and recycled or reused.
After these first steps, they take the vehicle to specially designed drain tracks to remove the remaining fluids including gasoline, oil, antifreeze, differential and transmission fluids. All fluids are put into holding tanks with secondary containment to prevent spills and leaks into the environment.
Now that all the fluids have been drained, the vehicle is processed to sell and all reusable parts removed. Vehicles are stored so that there is no possibility of contact with storm water and to make it easier and safer for parts to be removed.
After all the reusable parts are sold, the de-coring process starts. They check for anything that can be reconditioned or that has recycling value. Examples include engines, alternators, wiring harnesses, compressors, torque converters and more.
The final step in the process is to crush the remaining vehicle hulk. They take the crushed vehicles to metal shredders where they are recycled into new metal.
So if you have a junk or disabled vehicle or a car that is near the end of its life, it will still make a good donation. You can donate a junk/disabled or any vehicle to support The Erwin Family Ministry by clicking on http://www.creativegivingsolutions.com/?org_id=&org_id=Erwin (This is our family's foundation, The Stepping Stone 2020 Foundation.)
Recycled vehicles come from many sources: tow companies, private parties, auto auctions and charities. When an individual has a car he no longer needs, this is a perfect opportunity make a great donation of their Junk Vehicle!
Simply by logging on to http://www.idonate.com/ click on donate vehicle and give us the information and we will gladly pick up your junk vehicle without any charge. All that is required is that you have a clear title without any liens.
Not only are vehicle donations a great gift to ministries, our business partners will take your donation and put it to good use as well as environmentally recycle it.
Our vehicle business partners will begin an environmentally friendly dismantling process by emptying the vehicle of any trash and/or leftover items. They continue the dismantling process by removing and recycling fluids and hazardous materials. Batteries are removed, tested and resold or recycled depending on the test results. At the same time, they carefully remove any mercury switches used in the engine compartment and trunk to prevent extremely toxic chemicals from entering our air and waterways. Freon (used by air conditioners), power steering fluid and brake fluid are all removed and recycled or reused.
After these first steps, they take the vehicle to specially designed drain tracks to remove the remaining fluids including gasoline, oil, antifreeze, differential and transmission fluids. All fluids are put into holding tanks with secondary containment to prevent spills and leaks into the environment.
Now that all the fluids have been drained, the vehicle is processed to sell and all reusable parts removed. Vehicles are stored so that there is no possibility of contact with storm water and to make it easier and safer for parts to be removed.
After all the reusable parts are sold, the de-coring process starts. They check for anything that can be reconditioned or that has recycling value. Examples include engines, alternators, wiring harnesses, compressors, torque converters and more.
The final step in the process is to crush the remaining vehicle hulk. They take the crushed vehicles to metal shredders where they are recycled into new metal.
So if you have a junk or disabled vehicle or a car that is near the end of its life, it will still make a good donation. You can donate a junk/disabled or any vehicle to support The Erwin Family Ministry by clicking on http://www.creativegivingsolutions.com/?org_id=&org_id=Erwin (This is our family's foundation, The Stepping Stone 2020 Foundation.)
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Persecution in Orissa

There has been a severe season of persecution in the past year in the State of Orissa in Eastern India. Here are some of the reports issued by the Evangelical Fellowship of India. I think they speak for themselves. Let us pray for our brothers and sisters who are suffering terribly.
1. On the 24th of August Pastor Jeebaratna Lima from Khurda District was attacked and beaten up mercilessly. The miscreants doused petrol on him and were about to set him on fire, but timely arrival of police saved his life. He was in police custody but later was released on bail the next day.
1. On the 24th of August Pastor Jeebaratna Lima from Khurda District was attacked and beaten up mercilessly. The miscreants doused petrol on him and were about to set him on fire, but timely arrival of police saved his life. He was in police custody but later was released on bail the next day.
2. Pastor Bahumulya Paik of Bamandei, Patpur Police Station, Ganjam District was beaten to a point of death by a mob of around 100 people. He vomited blood but later gained consciousness and managed to flee from the place while the group was engaged in attacking the local believers. Since the hospitals were closed, no medical help was available. On August 26, the police escorted him to some distance by their vehicle and left him on the way to take a bus and go away.
3. Pastor Bishnu Kumbhar and his pregnant wife of village Dutta, under Madan Rampur Police Station of Kalahandi district, were chased out. To save their lives, they ran away in the darkness and hid themselves from the attackers.
4. Pastor Susanjit Beero of Tengada Pathar under Tikabali Police Station of Phulabani was attacked by a group of Hindutva miscreants. Along with a few believers he is still reported to be taking shelter in the forest, though without food and clothes for the last 48 hours.
5. Pastor Dillip Koshla of Tiangia village, under Raikia Police Station was attacked by the mob. His house and property are burned and looted by the unruly mob.
6. Pastor Birendra Harijan, of Nakapolo Church under Dharmasala Police Station of Jajpur District, was beaten up badly. As the miscreants were about to set his house on fire, the timely arrival of police prevented the disaster.
7. Pastor Amit Pani of Ampani village, Koksora Police Station (PS) under Kalahandi district, was chased out and locked in a house but managed to escape.
8. Pastor Lebiyo Raito of Kanjamendi, Nuagam PS, Phulbani, was attacked and chased away from his house. He is still hiding in the jungle.
9. Pastor Jatan Nayak, of Bhadrak district was attacked and his house ransacked. He is in police protection at the moment.
10. Pastor Abinash Garjang, of Tattaguda, Malkangiriis, was attacked and the church building was ransacked.
11. Pastor Aurobindo Sahu of Tumgurpada Church, Bargarh District, is threatened to leave the place with dire consequences if he doesn't.
12. District pastor Anant Benya of Badibahal church, Luisingha PS, in Bolangir District, was issued a threat of attack to the church on the 26th August.
13. Pastor Pabitra Digal and Pastor Dharmendra Digal, of Sundargarh district, have received threats to their life, burning the church.
14. Pastor Thomas Bhoi of Petapanga church Raikia, Kandhamal district, was attacked by the mob and their household items were damaged.
15. Pastor Ramakant Pradhan of Dotta Church and Pastor Sulaisng Barik of Hatibandh Church under Sinapali PS of Nuapada District was chased away from the village. Their whereabouts are not known.
16. Pastor Bijaya Surya of Penkam Church, Gunapur PS, Rayagada District, is threatened and asked to leave the place.
17. Pastor Mothilal Sagar and his family, also along with five sisters and two brothers in Madekela, Godphila block, were attacked, but they managed to flee and hid themselves. The miscreants are searching for them.
18. More than 15 church buildings of Believers Church alone and several churches of other denominations are damaged. The rampage is still going on unabated.
19. Church building and 60 houses in Tiangia village, Raikia, Kandhamal burned. Two Christians named Dasarath Pradhan, Bikram Naik killed.
20. Church building was bombed and destroyed. 30 houses were burned in Tengdapathar, Tikabali, Kandhamal.
21. Church and parsonage damaged, 20 houses burned, and two believers killed in Pettapanga, Saranggada, Kandhmal.
22. Chandrasekaharpur, BDA Church, Bhubaneswar damaged.
23. Tangupada, Bargarh District, the anti-Christians have threatened the pastor, Arobindo Sahu, to leave, and they have a plan to destroy the newly built church.
24. Audiovisual Team is hiding in the jungle in Chandragiri, Gajapati District, because of the threats.
25. BOH (Education center for Children) in Kuttenpalli, Bolangir District, having 120 students, was threatened to close down.
26. Tattaguda Church of Pastor Abinash Garjang in Baipariguda, Malkangiri demolished.
27. Bhatta Palla Church of Pastor John Naik in Madanpur, Rampur, in Kalahandi demolished.
28. Tujung Church of Pastor Basant Digal in M. Rampur Kalahandi damaged.
29. Ladapanga Church of Pastor Rajanikanth Nayak in Daringbadi damaged.
30. The residences of Pastor Bijaya Kumar Surya, Pastor Susil Lima of Miraguda, Gunupur ransacked and looted. No police protection given.
31. The Church of Pastor Junus Digal destroyed and 180 houses of Christians burned in Balkidadi, Kandhmal. Without food and drinking water the Christians are in the jungle for the last three days.
32. The church building and all the houses of the Christians in Kurmingia of Kandhamal burned. The Christians have fled to nearby jungles.
33. Church building and houses ransacked and later burned in Tattaguda of Malkangiri District.
34. Churches destroyed and houses burnt along with 4 believers killed in Dadingia of Raikia, Kandhamal.
35. The church of Pastor Alif Nayak, alongwith 12 houses in Ranipada, Kandhamal, burned. Pastor killed.
36. Houses burned and Christians attacked in Madkela, Tusura in Bolangir.
37. Pastors Dandapani and Junus Diagal chased out of their place but they managed to flee to safety in nearby jungle.
38. Four incidents of attacks reported in Koraput.
39. Carmel English Medium School in Khurda threatened to close down by Hindu fundamentalists.
40. Houses in Khariapada, Udaigari were bombed by petrol bombs.
41. Unconfirmed reports suggests around 10-11 Christians were killed in jungles by angry and unruly mob.
42. Church in Balangir demolished.
43. Complete failure of Law and Order in violence affected areas. Police and paramillitary forces are mere spectators.
44. 300-400 attackers burned houses of Christians in Kurmanga, Raikia.
45. Nuagaon village dominated by around 50 Christian families completely burned down.
46. Church in Nuagaon village burned.
47. Grace Girls Hostel with 60-70 students in Kotagarh, Phulbani, attacked by more than 1000 people. Just 10 police personnel posted for protection were not sufficient to protect the Hostel.
The fundamentalist group is going from village to village destroying churches, burning houses, attacking and killing Christians. It is reported that thousands of extremists have been brought from Gujarat and Chhattisgarh to perpetrate this violence which has spread to all the districts of Orissa. Their agenda is to wipe out Christians and Christianity from India starting from Orissa.
Pray for the victims in Haiti

I don't think there is a country more venerable to a hurricane than Haiti. Haiti is the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere and is located right in the middle of hurricane alley. Having been hit 3 times this season by Gustav (killing 13), Hanna (killing over 500) and Ike (killing 60), this nation is in great need of help. The death toll will rise as the water recedes and as the victims must cope with the polluted water.
How can we help?
Servant Christian Community Foundation has several partner ministries that specialize in disaster relief. Right now these aid ministries are in the country trying to meet the basic needs to the thousands of victims. If you would like to donate a noncash donation or a cash donation to benefit some of the ministries that are aiding the victims, please go to:
(For Noncash Donations) http://www.idonate.com/
(For Cash Donations) http://www.servantchristian.com/
You can also call our office at 913-310-0279 and we can let you know how you can help.
If you aren't sure what ministry to give to, you can look through a comprehensive list of different ministries and their specialties by going to "The Treasure House"
Please specify in your comments what ministry that you would like to benefit with your donation. I know what the devastation is along the U.S. gulf coast, but in the nation of Haiti, the devastation is much worse because there is little government infrastructure to help during times of need.
How can we help?
Servant Christian Community Foundation has several partner ministries that specialize in disaster relief. Right now these aid ministries are in the country trying to meet the basic needs to the thousands of victims. If you would like to donate a noncash donation or a cash donation to benefit some of the ministries that are aiding the victims, please go to:
(For Noncash Donations) http://www.idonate.com/
(For Cash Donations) http://www.servantchristian.com/
You can also call our office at 913-310-0279 and we can let you know how you can help.
If you aren't sure what ministry to give to, you can look through a comprehensive list of different ministries and their specialties by going to "The Treasure House"
Please specify in your comments what ministry that you would like to benefit with your donation. I know what the devastation is along the U.S. gulf coast, but in the nation of Haiti, the devastation is much worse because there is little government infrastructure to help during times of need.
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