Sunday, February 28, 2010

Support Update

We are so blessed for the support so many of our friends have provided. You enable us to serve Jesus according to the burden He has given us for the lost of India.

Please be in prayer for us as I continue to find new support for this exciting ministry. I plan on speaking in several area churches this year, hoping to find friends to partner with our ministry. Our prayer goal is to see $500 of new support in 2010 as well as work to reduce our living expenses. If you remember back in March of 2009, we came to Serve India Ministries with a 50% pay cut, and we have been able to both increase our monthly support and lower our expense. Janey’s work at Costco has also allowed us to retain health benefits along with providing additional income as well.

I am so amazed at the generosity of our partners, knowing the difficulty of today’s economy. I give God the glory for each of you as your generosity reflects the goodness of Christ. We have an exciting 2010 ahead of us.

We Love You!

Michael, Jane and Benjamin Erwin

Donate to Erwin Family Ministries

Please Pray for AOTW video editing process

As you read last month, Ian Skelly of All Over the World (, a Christian TV program about different mission organizations, filmed three of the Serve India mission fields in Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Rajasthan, India. The 30-minute TV program will air in March or April. After it airs, we will have a high-quality video that we can give to our current and future donors.

Please pray for Ian Skelly as he works with Susan, our operations manager, to edit the many hours of film down to a 30-minute broadcast.

Brian Slater Photos

You can see more of Brian's Work at

Brother Ebey’s Spring Tour

I continue to spend most of my time in coordination with Gene Mackie to schedule Brother Ebey’s speaking tour when he visits the USA from April 1–May 9. We are seeing many breakthroughs with new churches that are opening their pulpits and allowing Brother Ebey to share the vision of Serve India Ministries.

As I shared last month, Brother Ebey has also been invited by the U.S. Center for World Mission to attend the “Global Mission Consultation and Celebration,” a world-wide mission conference in Tokyo May 11–13. Brother Ebey has been asked to submit a strategy paper to the conference leaders who want to know more about Serve India Ministries' strategy working with existing independent pastors. The group will be focusing on finishing the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) and how ministries might be able to coordinate their efforts.

Erwin Family News

We have been looking and praying for the right opportunity to take Janey and Benjamin to India to see the work. When it comes to a long-term vision for world missions, seeing is believing. Our family would like to dedicate many years of our lives to the mission fields of India and are so honored to have a major part of the church-planting effort in this great nation.

Our lease is up on our rental home in Olathe in May, and we are praying about what we should do. We would like to move to a less expensive home, and we are even considering moving to the Springfield, Missouri, area, where the cost of living is much less than the Olathe, Kansas, area.

Janey continues to be a blessing at Costco Wholesale, and Benjamin is just about done with 3rd grade math and 2nd grade English. He made his first basket of the year during his upward basketball game a couple of weeks ago and really enjoys playing the sport.

Please be in prayer for us that we find the next rental home here or in Springfield, Missouri. In Springfield, we will be closer to my dad and Janey’s parents, which will be better for all of us. If we move to Springfield, Janey will need to find comparable work because she also provides our health insurance along extra needed income.

February 2010 - Greetings Friends :)

I have just returned from a round-trip to Sarasota, Florida, to attend a ministers’ conference. From there, I traveled to Philadelphia, where I attended the Lancaster Mission Fest.

I always try to schedule church meetings on the Sundays and Wednesdays when I travel as this is better stewardship of ministry resources. I was able to meet some key contacts who are interested in Serve India Ministries as well as an interest in having Brother Ebey speak at their church when he is here in the United States.

We rely heavily upon Brother Ebey’s sharing the vision of Serve India Ministries, but our goal is to be effective in finding sponsors for our pastor-missionaries even while Brother Ebey is in India. During the past two months the Lord has provided around 40 new sponsorships and a good potential for another 40 before Brother Ebey returns in early April.