As I write this note, we are preparing to travel to Colorado for my grandmother's Dora Lee Coldiron's memorial service. She lived to be 92 and grew up in Kansas and Colorado; a woman of the frontier and the west.
After we return from Colorado next week, I am busy preparing for Brother Ebey's fall tour which will go from September 26 - November 20th. He will begin in Minnesota at the Desiring God conference hosted by Pastor John Piper. At the conference we will have a booth display and then travel to Des Moines IA for a Sunday meeting. After a few days in Kansas City, Brother Ebey will travel to Illinios, Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, South Carolina, Georgia, Maryland and Pennsylvania.
Our goals:
- We have 300 more pastors to find sponsors for, a sponsor is someone who will support a missionary/pastor for $35 per month for the 5 year partnership that we have with these independent pastors.
- Raise support for 5000 Stepping Stone Center children through our "Egg Project" Campaign. Each egg represents a $36 donation that will care for a child for an entire year providing afterschool tutoring and biblical discipling. Each stepping stone center opens the doors for our pastors to reach the parents in a community and plant a church.
- Raise support for 15 new mission fields (300 pastors) for 2013 which will eventually impact 1500 villages.
Family Update:
Benjamin has advanced to next level in his homeschool orchastra. He was required to audition for the role and passed with flying colors. His teachers said that he reads music very well has great promise as a violin player.
Janey continues to fight the good fight of faith with headaches and is awaiting continued evaluation from a neuologist. She is also having difficulty with heel spurs that are giving her pain when she walks. By God's grace she will overcome these difficulties with a smile. Thank you for praying for our family.
Support Update:
Our support level has been steady over the summer and we are very appreciative of your generosity. Like many of your, Our utility expenses have been high this summer but God is providing by his grace. I pray that each of you reading this letter sense the blessing of God on your lives and I want to personally thank you for the sacrifice you have made to partner with us so that the nations can be blessed with the Gospel and God will be glorified in thousands of villages in India.
God bless you,
Michael, Jane and Benjamin Erwin