Monday, December 22, 2014

Erwin Family Ministries: Erwin Family Ministries - Very Urgent Christmas Prayer Request for Indian Christians

Erwin Family Ministries: Erwin Family Ministries - Very Urgent Christmas Prayer Request for Indian Christians

Erwin Family Ministries - Very Urgent Christmas Prayer Request for Indian Christians

Prayer Alert:  We have received and important prayer request from our India HQ that is very concerning but as we pray, may we see God's people in India stand firm for their faith. 

 Threats are coming against Christians during the Christmas celebrations in India this year.  As you celebrate with your families please pray for the Serve India leaders, pastors, church members and egg project children.   Reports are surfacing that there is a major re-conversion campaign to force Christians to re-convert to Hinduism on Christmas day.  

Radical Hindu organizations whose philosophy is called Hindutva. Their vision is to see every Muslim and Christian reconverted to Hinduism because they believe that the Muslims and Christians of India were mislead by the proselytizers into embracing these foreign religions. They have declared their intention to bring back the 'lost sheep' into the Hindu fold by organizing Ghar Vapasi ( Return Home) programs across the country on Christmas Day. 

News papers are reporting with much concern that the Return Home  programs are already underway in some of the Hindu-dominated states such as Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh bringing back hundreds of Christians and Muslims to the Hindu fold.  If necessary they want to provide financial incentives in the range of Rs. 200,000-500,000 to those who agree to reconvert.  It has been said that they want to see up to 100,000 Christians/ Muslims 'return home per year. 

When one news paper reporter of a significant news agency asked if those who were being reconverted were Christians or Muslims he was told by the organizers of the Return Home program that they did not verify the religious faiths of those returning to the Hindu fold. 

This and other reports go to show that we cannot take the claims of these outfits at face value. Nevertheless there have been reports from our own mission fields that activists go from house to house threatening Christian believers to comply or face dire consequences. 

Our pastors serving in some of the North Indian states are already under intense pressure to send their congregants to the Return Home program besides reconverting themselves. 

  • Please pray specifically for the Return Home programs scheduled for 25th December will not take place at all. 
  • Pray for religious harmony.  
  • Please pray for those of the Christians who are currently under a lot of pressure from these radical outfits. 
  • Pray for the Church in India to act with wisdom in these hard times. 
  • Pray that the present Central Government's agenda of imposing a ban on conversion will not become a reality. 

Erwin Family Update

Just a quick update to let you know how everything is going with the Erwin Family Ministries as we serve national pastors of India through Serve India Ministries. We are nearing our year end push with the “Join the Story” campaign . Our goal is to raise vital support for our unsponsored pastors.

God has given us a lot of favor this fall with Brother Ebey’s fall tour. We have seen over 100 pastors sponsored as well as several hundred Egg Project children. Brother Ebey is currently in London for some meetings before returning to India on the 10th of December. Our ministry is experiencing rapid growth in India and in 2015, we could add as many as 2000 more pastors. I simply choose to trust God by faith that He will provide for this increase. I am glad it is God’s work we are doing and not our own otherwise we would not be able to make it.

Janey is working hard helping convert our database from our old system called Denari to the new more advanced system called Donor Perfect. With this conversion, each of our automatic donors need to be contacted to renew their financial support and re-submit their credit card or e-check information.

It is a challenge to contact everyone but Jane and our admin team have made great progress in this conversion. Janey used to be the department leader for Gift Entry at Gospel for Asia so her experience is very helpful in this process.

Benjamin is doing very well with his 8th grade studies and seems to pick up easily whatever he needs to learn for his studies. He continues to take violin lessons and is part of a local orchestra here in Harrison Arkansas

Watch Our Video on Pastor David - Serving the Destitute

PTL! We have reached our year end reserve goal…….

We were able to receive some very generous donations toward our ministry reserve goal and now we are in very good shape until July of next year!

This is such a blessing for our ministry to India because it allows Janey and I to serve without having to find outside income. Most of my time in ministry is spent working to raise the support needed to train 3000 pastors and help 4000 children in India. With the rapid growth of our work in India, it is more vital than ever that we spend as much time as possible serving the vision of the ministry.!

Our second goal is to raise an additional $800 per month of regular monthly support. We have lost a lot of monthly support over the past 6 months but by God’s grace we will see His provision.

Will you help us with this goal as the Lord enables you and directs you.  We will be much honored to have you as a new partner and we are much honored to have our current partners.

By partnering with this ministry you will be Joining the Story of God’s redemption spreading throughout India to every village. We love and appreciate you,

Michael, Jane and Benjamin Erwin