Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Reclaimed Maple Floor a Green Recyclable Donation

One of the more interesting donations that I am currently working on is reclaimed maple flooring that was removed from a double-sized gymnasium. Reclaimed floor has grown in popularity in recent years because of the growing green movement. This amount of reclaimed flooring can accommoidate three to five homes.

These types of donations are especially valuable not only for their monetary value but for their story value that allows us to spread the word to donors and charities alike. There is amazing opportunity for ministries to fund their budgets and projects with noncash donation and many times the donation is a win win for the donor as well as the ministry. As time goes on, green donations are going to be a greater opportunity for charities as recycling processes become more efficient and the cost of raw materials continues to rise. Some of the possibilities for recycled donations are: Steel, copper, aluminum, plastics, building materials and computers (without monitors.)

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