As you know, we will be making a ministry transition March 1 to serve as Development Directors for Serve India Ministries http://www.serve-im.org/ . We will be able to stay in Olathe, Kansas, and work with the headquarters in Charleston, Illinois. Because of the travel that is required with development work, there isn't any advantage in moving.
Serve India is only three years old but has had great success in that time. Currently there are 400 pastor-missionaries planting churches in India, and 300 of them are already supported. Each of the pastors we help will eventually plant 5 churches in their area within the next 5 years.
I have three major goals to accomplish this year: (1) Develop a regional volunteer network to find ministry partners all over the USA. (2) Write a development plan that will outline the way that we will build a donor base for supporting the planting of 100,000 churches by 2020. (3) Develop a consistent brand identity and consistent messaging that will allow Serve India to grow to the next level.
We are encouraged by your support of our ministry and are appreciative for your continued support as we make a ministry transition after three fruitful years with Servant Christian Community Foundation. We feel that it is very important to make this transition right now because the times are urgent and the mission fields are fruitful. As I look back, I can see God's hand connecting me up with so many people who taught me much about ministry funding, especially funding through noncash donations. Serving at Servant Christian Community Foundation has been like going to Giving University, and now I think through our partnership we can continue to find new and effective ways to fund the Great Commission.
One of the nice aspects of our relationship with Servant Christian Community Foundation is that your donations to our ministry can continue to be sent to SCCF because we have a Ministry Foundation with SCCF and we are able to direct the proceeds for our support at our new ministry, Serve India Ministries. Your support is such a blessing and will enable us to serve native missionaries who are planting churches in unreached villages in India.
Please pray with us as we seek to raise an additional $1000 per month support in the coming 3 months. While serving at Servant Christian Community Foundation, we were able to receive our full support amount even when it did not come in through our normal donor base.
With Serve India Ministries http://www.serve-im.org/ , we are not able to do that because Serve India has a very small administrative budget and 100% of the missionary donations go to the specific project that the donor designated.
You can donate to support our ministry by mailing your support to:
Erwin Family Ministries
c/o SCCF / Erwin Family Ministries Fund
1500 S Sioux Drive
Olathe, KS 66062
Make checks payable to SCCF with Erwin Family Ministries written in the memo.