Sunday, May 10, 2009


Even with a struggling economy, Serve India continues to grow. Last year we saw a 50% growth, and we hope to grow significantly this year as well. Brother Ebenezer Samuel is in the United States for the month of May, and we are working to schedule him at as many churches and donor meetings as possible because he has 100 new pastors that need support; that is 5 mission fields.
These fields are located in states Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Tripura, Andra Pradesh and Karnataka. Please pray for us as we seek to share the vision with as many potential donors as possible. Each mission field costs about $950 per month to fund, but the exciting part is that there should be at least 100 new churches in unreached villages in the next 5 years. That is great return on investment (ROI.) If you know of a church that either I or Brother Ebey might be able to speak at, please let me know.

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