Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Your Financial Support Is a Great Blessing! Update.

Greetings, Friends:
Thank you for everyone who prays for us that we will see God's provision for our ministry. I am amazed each month as the bills get paid even though we receive significantly less each month than we are accustomed to. But our joy is full as we see God provide through so many means. We have our health insurance paid for and we are able to simplify our lives in material goods but we are very rich in joy as we feel this is where God has called us to serve, and where God guides, He provides.

Please pray for us as we seek to raise an additional $500 per month of support and that we grow in our faith so that we can truly be a blessing to Serve India and make a major impact on the villages of India.

We are continually humbled by the generosity of our friends and supporting churches. We have had two of our supporting churches that have kept us on their missions support roll even though they are going through financial hardships. Both of these churches needed to cut their budget, so they reduced everyone 10% and 25% so they wouldn't have to stop supporting any of their missionaries. This is such a blessing to us; it is almost like getting a raise! Their commitment truly honors God.

My prayer is that God will bless these churches greatly for their steps of faith. As well as churches, many of the families that support us do so out of sacrifice, and I know that God is pleased with their faith and commitment to reach India with the Gospel. I pray that God would bless each family that has sacrificed to support our work at Serve India, and I pray that their giving would be a continual work of joy.

Just as the native pastors are the unsung heroes of missions in India, so are the donors in America who have made church planting and evangelism a priority! I know that your commitment will be a legacy of faith that will glorify God.

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