Benjamin is almost finished with 3rd grade math and is able to understand fractions and decimals very well. Janey is working with Benjamin with English and grammar, which he understands very well, but he doesn't like to write sentences so we have to find creative ways for him to write stories and journal.
We look forward to visiting family for Easter weekend in Harrison, Arkansas, and I will also be able visit one of the churches in town that supports our ministry. Janey continues to work at Costco, which gives us health benefits as well as extra income. She is continuing to receive treatment for her neck, which is the possible cause of migraine headaches. We are beginning to think that there are multiple causes of her headaches ranging from her neck to sinuses. Either way we are praying for wisdom and provision.
Benjamin and I will be setting up a booth at the Kansas City Home School Conference April 16 and 17. I will be doing two workshops for parents titled "Preparing Our Children to Fulfill the Great Commission."
We hope to move to our new home before the 15th of April because after we're done with the home school conference, I will be traveling to Pennsylvania for a week to help Brother Ebey during his speaking tour.
Please be in prayer for us during the months of April and May because we are hoping to raise support for 200 pastors that are working to plant churches.
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