Monday, June 27, 2011

Support Update

Ministry gets very hard and discouraging at times. It seems like for every success, there are ten disappointments. I think what keeps me going outside of God's grace are the friends who support and pray for us. Thank you for prayers and support of our family’s ministry.

By God's grace we have been able to maintain our support level over the past months. We have had a couple who have had to decrease their support because of financial issues, but we have had some larger one-time donations that have made up the deficit. I am amazed month by month as we have seen God so graciously provide for our family over the past 14 years that we have been in missions. I am very thankful for each of you who has sacrificed to help us, and we appreciate your prayers for us. We need to raise about $200 per month in additional support, so if you’re interested in being a partner with us, we will welcome your partnership.

God bless you,

Michael, Jane and Benjamin Erwin

Donate to The Erwin Family Ministries Support Fund

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