Thursday, September 29, 2011

Pastor Jailed for Preaching the Gospel

Karnataka is a state with over 50 million people and only .7% Christian. This is a vastly unreached state and Serve India Ministries has 180 pastors working in 9 different districts. Many Christians are persecuted in India and right now more are persecuted in Kantataka than any other state in India. The following is a report of a pastor that was recently arrested because of preaching the Gospel:

One of our pastors from the Hassan mission field in Karnataka was jailed on false allegation of forced conversion yesterday. He went to a nearby town to meet with one of his new contacts and while he was praying with him, a group of anti-Christians entered the house, dragged the pastor out and beat him up severely and handed him over to the police. A case has been registered against the pastor alleging that he was compelling his contact to accept Christ. Since that time, the pastor has been released on bail and is awaiting trial. His fellow Serve India Ministries from the Hassan district pastors have gone to the police station on his behalf.

# Please pray that as the team meets the Chief things will work out favorably.
# Please pray that the pastor's accusers will repent and to withdraw their case against the innocent pastor.
# Please pray for this district that has witnessed much persecution in the last four months. Pray that God would be glorified in its 2000 unreached villages and the Gospel will go out and churches would be planted.

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