Thursday, October 27, 2011

Countdown to India

Dear Friends, As we progress toward the end of the year there are many task that need to be finished with our major website rebuild, our year-end funding campaign. With Brother Ebey's fall tour nearing an end, we still need to find about 200 plus sponsors for our pastors; some of whom have been working, for over a year through our training.

With our year-end campaign, we hope to raise support for our unsponsored pastors as well as unsponsored children. We also have two additional projects that need funding. First there are four American pastors traveling to India to teach inductive bible study to 160 of our pastors in mid January. Second, we have a photo journalism tour with a group of four collecting video, photos and stories for our communication needs for 2012.

I am just returning home from two weeks on the road with Brother Ebey where we traveled from Kansas City to Hutchinson KS, Dallas TX, Jacksonville, IL, Milwaukee, WI, Chicago and then Charleston, IL.

Now that I am home, I am coordinating with our other staff as well as our communications consultants (5Q) to complete our web re-design and year-end campaign.

If we can get all of this done by the end of November, we hope to really focus on raising the addional funds for our families India trip with hopes to travel by the end of November. The good news is that we have 1/2 of the $5000 needed for the travel cost and we are very grateful for our friends that have given sacrifically toward our travel cost.

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