Happy Anniversary – 30 Years
By the time you read this newsletter, Janey and I will be celebrating our 30th anniversary! What a wonderful journey we have been on ministering together for 23; 6 years as youth ministers as well as serving 9 years at Gospel for Asia, 4 years at Servant Christian Community Foundation and now 31/2 years at Serve India Ministries. And after 20 wonderful years together, we welcomed Benjamin in our family. Truly I am a very blessed man and I have been given the woman of my dreams and an amazing man of God in Benjamin. Pray that I will be a good steward of all that God has so lovingly given me! I posted our family history on the back of this letter.
Ministry News
Once again we are excited to host 45 young people from Global Expeditions on our mission fields in South India. These young people are extraordinary in their love and zeal for Jesus
and are serving our village pastors with humility and are a great blessing! Brother Ebey and our leaders are bringing 300 more pastors into partnership with serve India. That will make 1300 by the end of the year. We are also working to raise enough funding so that we can add 5000 more children to our Stepping Stone Centers through “The Egg Project.” Each child only cost $36 (each $36 donation is an Egg) for a whole year of tutorial center ministry! http://www.serveindiaministries.org/get-involved/the-egg-project/
Family News
Benjamin is doing amazing with his violin. I am amazed at the confidence he has and being only 9 years old. We went to Arkansas last weekend and he got to give his grandparents some private concerts! He is now a 6th grader and will begin his Monarch
homeschoolurriculum in September. Janey continues to consult the headache center and they are piecing together all the clues to why she has headaches, meanwhile she is receiving physical therapy to loosen up tension in her neck. Even with the headaches, she is so amazingly cheerful and her smile lights up a room .
By the time you read this newsletter, Janey and I will be celebrating our 30th anniversary! What a wonderful journey we have been on ministering together for 23; 6 years as youth ministers as well as serving 9 years at Gospel for Asia, 4 years at Servant Christian Community Foundation and now 31/2 years at Serve India Ministries. And after 20 wonderful years together, we welcomed Benjamin in our family. Truly I am a very blessed man and I have been given the woman of my dreams and an amazing man of God in Benjamin. Pray that I will be a good steward of all that God has so lovingly given me! I posted our family history on the back of this letter.

Once again we are excited to host 45 young people from Global Expeditions on our mission fields in South India. These young people are extraordinary in their love and zeal for Jesus
and are serving our village pastors with humility and are a great blessing! Brother Ebey and our leaders are bringing 300 more pastors into partnership with serve India. That will make 1300 by the end of the year. We are also working to raise enough funding so that we can add 5000 more children to our Stepping Stone Centers through “The Egg Project.” Each child only cost $36 (each $36 donation is an Egg) for a whole year of tutorial center ministry! http://www.serveindiaministries.org/get-involved/the-egg-project/

Family News
Benjamin is doing amazing with his violin. I am amazed at the confidence he has and being only 9 years old. We went to Arkansas last weekend and he got to give his grandparents some private concerts! He is now a 6th grader and will begin his Monarch

Support Update
We have very good news concerning our support needs. With the reserve that God provided, we have been able to make it through the summer in good shape and cover the higher utility bills. So many of you have been so generous and given sacrificially. I pray that our ministry is an ncouragement to you. Your love, prayer and support is the manifestation of God’s grace. I pray that you and you’re your families are eternally blessed by the love and the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
God bless you, Michael, Jane and Benjamin Erwin
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