Serving with Serve
India Ministries December 2012
Helping to Reach
Millions of People with the Gospel by Building Kingdom Relationships
Dear Freinds:

are praying for a successful “Give the Gift of Hope” campaign to finish out
2012 with the campaign we hope to raise support for 4 underfunded areas such
as: New Mission Fields, Unsponsored
Pastors, Stepping Stone Centers and our General Fund. At our current pace, we are about even with
last year as far as support that we have raised for our pastors and stepping
stone children. If you could pray with
us that “Give the Gift of Hope” will do very well, we can serve them.
Our goals:
Our goal is to raise vital funds to help us
fund the growth of our ministry in 2012 (300 new pastors) as well as next years
growth. We will need to raise funds for
5000 more children through our egg project, 300 new pastors in 2013 and fund all
of our unsponsored pastors. · Please pray for us to reach these goals, It has been much harder to raise additional capital this year as pressures of the economy and the distractions of the election has made it much harder to raise funds.
· We still have 300 more pastors to find sponsors for, a sponsor is someone who will support a missionary/pastor for $35 per month for the 5 year partnership that we have with these independent pastors.

National Pastors See Prayer Heal, Transform, and Equip
at the Giving the Gift of Hope campaign,
we reflect on the testimonies of national pastors. Your gift to the Gift
of Hope can sponsor a national pastor, provide a child with one year of
tutoring through Stepping Stones, sponsor a mission field, or fund our
operations in the United States.
India Ministries’ goal is to reach out to 100,000 villages in India with the
Gospel. In our recent blog stories of unreached villages in India, there
is a common similarity that each of the national pastors share – a belief in
the power of prayer. Countless stories from these national pastors
display how the power of prayer heals, transforms, and equips.
Suraj’s prayers for an unreached village led
him to minister to a woman named Subita. Subita, a mother of two
children, was mentally handicapped and her family continually worried over her
they met Pastor Suraj, they begged him to pray for her. Pastor Suraj said, “I
did not have much faith to pray that God would heal. But somehow, with God’s
help, I told them, ‘I will pray and if you believe in Jesus, Jesus can heal
her.” The family believed, and when Suraj prayed, God healed Subita! Overjoyed,
her family eagerly opened their home for Suraj’s ministry in that village.
Supported by the prayer of his church, he boldly evangelized.
Vinod shared how the Gospel brought deliverance and
healing from his addiction to drugs. One day, as Vinod went from door to
door selling clothes, he felt God tell him that if he would trust in Jesus,
then Jesus could heal his wife. With faith rising in his heart, Vinod went back
to the church. In prayer, he confessed his sins. After some time, God
miraculously healed his wife. Vinod’s faith grew! Finally, he accepted Jesus as
his Lord and Savior.
Subey Dar spends concentrated
time in fasting and prayer for the unreached villages in his area of North
India. After praying for a particular unreached village, Pastor Subey Dar
would visit the unreached village and share the Gospel. Subey Dar says
that his prayer life is making him more effective in answering God’s call. He
and his family are committed to continue fasting and praying for the yet
unreached villages.
Support Report – Year End Giving

you for each of you who give cheerfully and sacrificially to enable us to tell
the story of these village pastors and precious stepping stone children on
India. Together we can be a major part
of 100,000 villages in India receiving the message of Jesus Christ.
As the year-end comes to an end, your special
gift will give us a significant boost as we seek to build our support
reserve. Thank you for remembering the
Erwin family in your prayers and your financial support.
We are also able to receive donations of
publicly traded stock! Please call me if
you would like information about donating appreciated stock, I can send you a
donation form.
God bless you,
Jane and Benjamin Erwin
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