Sunday, December 13, 2009
Pastor's Intervention Stops Man from Committing Suicide
But he happened to meet another man on the mountainside, a pastor making his way toward a nearby village. The pastor, learning about Sudhakar’s suffering and what the rope was for, prayed for him and told him the good news of the gospel. Sudhakar was comforted by the prayer and responded to the gospel by giving his life to the Lord. Now he has a hope with which to carry on living.
Please Pray for our Serve India Ministries Christmas Letter

Here is a copy of our annual Christmas letter. I hope it encourages you as much as it did me as I wrote it:
As the end of the year approaches, we pause and reflect on the goodness of God. 2009 has been an amazing year for Serve India Ministries. We can imagine the smiling faces of the people whom God has granted us the privilege of serving. The message of the Gospel has penetrated the darkness of their world with its beacon of hope. As we approach Christmas, we rejoice knowing that many people in India will be celebrating their first Christmas as believers. And many more will be hearing from their village pastors about the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We can also imagine the faces of children that will be learning the Christmas story as they attend their local Stepping Stone Program sponsored by Serve India Ministries. These centers are serving the children of India because of the generosity of many of our donors.
Shanti, a Hindu girl who had learned a Bible verse one day, attended a prayer meeting that night in her neighbor’s house. When the pastor spoke at the meeting, he used the same Bible verse that the girl had learned earlier in the day at the Stepping Stone Center. Shanti, struck twice in one day by the same verse and feeling astonished by this and puzzling over its significance, described her experience to a woman attending the meeting. God’s word is living and active. When we store it up in our hearts, it speaks to us. After the woman had explained this to her and had given her encouragement, Shanti felt that she had been spoken to by God. Feeling excited and happy, she rejoiced the whole night.
The struggles of our daily lives sometimes overwhelm us, but the realities of what God is doing everyday in India overshadows any hardships we face. India is a nation with 500 million children, and each one can be changed just like Shanti. There is nothing more precious than helping a child learn about the God who loves them and wants to be their eternal savior. Serve India Ministries has channeled your support to pastor-missionaries who have, in turn, spread the message of the Gospel and the love of God. A simple “thank you” seems so inadequate. You have faithfully stood with us. Because of your help, there are new smiles on faces, new hope in hearts, and lives forever changed. Thousands of people in hundreds of villages now have a new eternal destiny. Your gifts of time, talent, and financial support made it possible.
We, the USA staff, thank you along with Brother Ebenezer Samuel and the 638 pastor-missionaries that are part of Serve India Ministries. This is “the body of Christ” in action, the fulfillment of His mandate, and the light of His love that so brilliantly shines in darkness. At this time of the year it’s good to remember.
Thank you so very much for your faithfulness. You mean so much to me and to our ministry.
Yours in Christ,
Michael R. Erwin, Development Director, Serve India Ministries
P.S. We are so grateful for your generous support that has enabled us to accomplish great things for the glory of God. As our work in India continues to grow, our cost in our U.S. office is going up. We are praying that we might see an increase of $800 per month for our U.S. general fund. Your one-time donations or monthly support of our “Where Most Needed” fund will be a great blessing to help us serve on behalf of our pastor-missionaries in India as well as our friends here in the United States.
Merry Christmas 2009 From the Erwin Family
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Think Again Before Buying Firecrackers
By Anuradha Sahasrabudhe.
Source : Times of India October 13, 1998.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Family Update

Church Without Walls - Only a Tarp
Friday, September 18, 2009
Exciting News and Breakthroughs in August!
Beware of Charging Elephants
Pastor S grew up among the tea plantations in the jungles of South India. He and his family were laborers on this tea plantation for many generations. Tea plantation workers are very poor and often go without education and proper medical care. As a child, Pastor S grew up badly affected by sickness and was not able to enjoy a normal childhood. The family constantly prayed to their idols, but he only became worse. Finally at the age of 21, Pastor S was invited to a church meeting and heard the Gospel message. Touched by the Word of God, he eagerly trusted the Lord for his salvation and over time received God’s grace to be healed of his afflictions. Pastor S began to be discipled in a local church, growing in his love for Jesus and love for lost souls. As God was equipping Pastor S, he began to assist his pastor, and in 1987 he surrendered his life to full-time ministry. Now Pastor S has planted a church and has partnered with Serve India ministries to plant 5 more churches in area villages. The area where Pastor S ministers is deep jungle where there are many dangers among the trails, including wild elephants that have been known to kill those who cross their path. Pray for Pastor S and the other 19 pastors who work with him as they each have a goal to plant 5 churches in the unreached villages around them. Imagine that in 5 years, there will be 100 new churches in this unreached district, preaching the Gospel and making disciples! Pray for the safety of these pastors that as they walk along the jungle trail, they will always return home to their families. How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!
Sponsor a missionary pastor for $35 per month
What is a Development Plan?
As I have written to you in past months, I often refer to our “Development Plan.” I have our development plan taped on my wall in front of my desk. The development plan is the outline of all of the planned activities for the next 18 months to help grow Serve India Ministries to fund our work in Asia. We hope to grow from 450 pastor-missionaries that we partner with to 800 by the end of the year so it will take many new donors to accomplish this goal. Our development plan consists of items such as:
Key Initiatives:- milestones, goals
- Home school conference booths
- Mission conference booths
- speaking engagements at churches and home
meetings - special mailings, newspaper articles
- video projects, web projects,
brochures, radio interviews, annual reports - online giving projects, volunteer
recruitment goals, sponsorship goals - database growth, organizational goals and
social networking to name a few
The bottom line for all of this activity is that it must enable Serve India Ministries to complete its mission of partnering with 20,000 pastor-missionaries, which in turn will fulfill the vision to plant 100,000 churches. Our “Vision” is our compass, letting us know where we are going, and our “Mission” is our road map telling us how we are going to get there.
Erwin Family News

We are thankful recipients of God’s grace, which has allowed us to partner with you and serve 450 pastors in India that are now working in over 2,000 villages preaching the Gospel of Salvation! Janey and I are so blessed to see Benjamin growing up to be a man of God. He is doing well in his schooling in math, English, spelling, history, science and Bible study. I was looking over his math paper the other day, and I was impressed with how easily he figured out some math problems on his own that I thought he would need help with. Needless to say, we are very proud of our boy!
Janey is doing a wonderful job homeschooling Ben, learning patience and the art of persuasion of a strong-willed child. Benjamin has enjoyed learning the game of golf after a successful summer of bowling. It’s funny, the feedback that we received from his golf coach is that he doesn’t follow instructions and he is unsafe with the clubs. I guess we have some areas to work on! I think we have a normal 7 year old. Please continue to pray for Janey that she might receive relief from headaches as she continues to receive therapy from a headache specialist. On October 3 we will celebrate our 29th anniversary of our first date: homecoming 1980, Harrison, Arkansas.
Donate to Support Erwin Family Ministries
Does Your Church Make Witch Doctors Lose Sleep?
(“My powers became powerless when the TRUE GOD’S power empowered me”)
Serve India Ministries partners with 60 pastors in the South India state of Karnataka. Karnataka has a population of 53 million and about .7% are born-again Christians. There is much opportunity for the work of the Gospel in this state but also much opposition from anti-Christian elements and witch doctors.
One of Serve India's pastors, Pastor G, working near the city of Bangalore in Karnataka recently ministered in a community where a man named Kumar, who was a witch doctor operating through demonic powers. Kumar made a lot of money through his magic with the help of evil spirits. Pastor G's church grew and was affecting this community as the Gospel was being preached and many people were being saved. These local people were no longer seeking out the witch doctors services.
Kumar was determined to disrupt the church's service by using his black magic. For three years, Kumar tried all his magic but to no avail. Finally he decided that he would attend a Sunday service and see what really went on at this church. The evil spirit did not allow him to sit at the church and he was forced to go back home. From that time on, Kumar could not have a peaceful night's sleep and feared for his life. Often the very demons that these witch doctors serve will in time kill them. Now, Kumar could no longer perform magic and all his evil powers were gone.
Fearing the evil spirits, Kumar approached the pastor with his problems, and Pastor G showed the love of Christ to him and shared the message of the Gospel. As they prayed together, the power of Jesus was present and the evil spirit left him. Kumar was filled with the joy of salvation! Our new brother in the Lord later testified,
"My powers became powerless when the TRUE GOD'S power empowered me."
Now he attends the church regularly and is helping Pastor G in outreach as he partners with Serve India Ministries to plant 5 more churches in the surrounding communities.
You can help pastors just like Pastor G preach the Gospel to others like Kumar who are mired in sin and demon worship.
Click Here to Sponsor A Missionary Pastor for $35 per Month
Doing the Math on India - 1,400,000 churches needed

The vision of Serve India Ministries is to help plant 100,000 churches in India. Why so many churches? Over the past decade much has been reported about the possibility of an awakening of the low caste of India. There are 700 million low caste in India who are scattered across India’s 500,000 unreached villages. India is one of the greatest harvests in history!
Doing the math
Doing some math, one could estimate that if only 10% of this 700 million people would turn to Christ in the next 10 years that an additional 1,400,000 churches would be needed to disciple them. This is a very conservative figure estimating that the average village church is 50 people. Serve India Ministries’ goal of planting 100,000 churches fits well with God’s plan for the low caste of India.
Where there is smoke there is fire
One example of these massive conversions can be seen in the state of Orissa in Eastern India. **In one district near the area where the Australian missionary Graham Stains was martyred, the Christian population has more than doubled in the last 10 years. **So many have been turning to Christ that approximately 100,000 Christians had to flee their homes and thousands of others were murdered.
We must go to them
We cannot assume that the low caste people of India are able to hear the Gospel without someone telling them. Churches must not only send the Gospel out to every unreached village (Mark 16:15-17) but they must also make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20). We invite you to help us reach the low caste of India and plant 100,000 churches by sponsoring a missionary pastor for $35 per month or supporting a Stepping Stone Center, teaching 50 children for $150 per month.
Sponsor a Missionary/Pastor for $35 per month
Sponsor a Stepping Stone for $150 per month
**Read Orissa violence report from the "All India Christian Council".
Sunday, August 16, 2009
How Does Serve India Plant Churches? (A true life example)
How Does Serve India Plant Churches?
Serve India Ministries is all about church planting; specifically, partnering with local churches to plant a church. After 10-20 pastors are identified in a district, each will agree to target five area villages to plant churches in and meet together once a month for two days of prayer, training and fellowship. Serve India Ministries assigns a facilitator train the pastors through a 5-year curriculum that was written by our partner organization called BILD International. Getting this many pastors in one room together is an incredible time of encouragement and greatly builds the faith of soldiers of faith!
Pastor Rajan M (A new church is born!)
One of the recent updates we received from India tells of Pastor Rajan M* in Tamil Nadu. Pastor Rajan was very excited to take part in this valuable training and identified 5 villages that needed to hear the Gospel and have a local church.
Pastor Rajan initially focused his attention on a particular unreached village called T M* The key strategy for effective church planting in India begins with daily prayer for the village along with regular visits of house visitation and tract distribution. Pastor Rajan was particularly gifted to share the love of the Lord with villagers. It was many months of visits without any good response to the Gospel. But without losing hope, Pastor Rajan continued to pray and visit and finally a family came forward to offer their home for a prayer meeting. As God began to minister, more people began to come to the prayer meeting. Now the prayer meeting has developed into a church in which 15 people attend regularly. Pray that this church will grow in its ability to minister to this community.
Pastor Rajan is an example of how the current 450 pastors partnering with Serve India plant churches. The goal of each pastor is to plant 5 churches in 5 villages in 5 years. Currently these pastors are targeting over 2,000 unreached villages where a Gospel witness has never existed.
To sponsor a missionary pastor for $35 per month click here
* Because of anti-Christian elements, the full name of the pastor and this village he is working in are not given.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Ben's News
Janey started Ben off with his 2nd/3rd grade home school August 1, and he is picking everything up very well. Ben is studying Shurley English, Saxon Math, Beginning Hebrew, Spelling, The Light and the Glory (History) by Peter Marshall, Handwriting and Science. Of course, he is also getting some PE with basketball, bowling and golf. It is wonderful to see Ben learn new things, and it won’t be long until he is doing complex equations, physics and all of that fun stuff.
"The Prodigal God"
Leadership Conference
Last week, a friend was kind enough to pay my way to a leadership conference in Minneapolis. I was very challenged by the speakers. I was amazed to learn about an organization called Kiva (, a microloan ministry started by some young people. Kiva has done some amazing things; they have loaned out 100 million dollars to 3rd world entrepreneurs in only 4 years! Another speaker was Dr, Tim Keller, a pastor in New York City who was teaching about “The Prodigal God” focusing in on the parable of the prodigal son. From what Dr. Keller told us, the parable was more about the older brother than the younger brother. The older brother’s heart attitude was evil, and Jesus was actually telling the parable to the Pharisees. The part of the message for me was about repentance and our motives for doing good, not just motives for doing bad. As you look at the older brother in the parable, even though he did not live in sin like the younger brother, his motives for “doing good” were not pure. The older brother did good, but he still had bitterness in his heart toward the father. I realize that I often need to examine my motives for why I do good; is it for the right reasons or because it is just expected of me> Dr. Keller has written a book by the same title, “The Prodigal God.” I have it on hold at our library. If interested, it can be purchased at Amazon.
“True Repentance” - I ask myself: Why do we go to church, tithe, give to missions, give to help the poor, witness, or resist temptation? Is it because it is expected of us or because of God’s love in our hearts? Maybe this is what Jesus was referring to in John 15:8-11? It certainly has me thinking more about my motives. (A Prayer Community to Pray for India)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Haryana, India Report - "A Great Mission Field"
Introducing Pastor Singh, a testimony from Haryana:
Pastor Singh was born to very religious Hindu parents and throughout his life, he grew up trusting only in the power of their Hindu gods and goddesses.
Pastor Singh came to know the Lord when he met a pastor ministering in his neighborhood. Also in the crowd was a man who was blind from his birth. Like the stories from the Bible, this blind man had been taken to many temples but there was no healing. In the end the preacher prayed for the blind man and a miracle happened. The blind man began to see for the first time in his life! Seeing this miracle before his very eyes, Brother Singh deeply touched! Realizing that Jesus is the only all-powerful God, he gave his life to him. Later his whole family accepted Jesus and began to attend a local church. As Brother Singh began to grow in the Lord, he sensed the call of God during a time of prayer to give his life for full-time ministry. Now Pastor Singh has planted a church and is partnering with Serve India Ministries in Haryana along with 20 other pastors in his district to each plant 5 churches apiece in 5 years. Think of it - 100 churches where there aren’t any churches today! Please pray for Pastor Singh and the 450 others who partner with Serve India Ministries.
Witch Doctor Touched by the Power of God!

(“My powers became powerless when the TRUE GOD’S power empowered me.”)
Serve India Ministries partners with 60 pastors in the South India state of Karnataka. Karnataka has a population of 53 million and about 0.7% are born-again Christians. There is much opportunity for the work the Gospel in this state but also much opposition from anti-Christian elements and witch doctors.
One of Serve India’s pastors, Pastor G, working near the city of Bangalore in Karnataka recently ministered in a community where a man named Kumar, who was a witch doctor operating through demonic powers. Kumar made a lot of money through his magic with the help of evil spirits. Pastor G’s church grew and was affecting this community as the Gospel was being preached and many people were being saved. These local people were no longer seeking out the witch doctors services.
Kumar was determined to disrupt the church's service by using his black magic. For three years, Kumar tried all his magic but to no avail. Finally he decided that he would attend a Sunday service and see what really went on at this church. The evil spirit did not allow him to sit at the church and he was forced to go back home. From that time on, Kumar could not have a peaceful night’s sleep and feared for his life. Often the very demons that these witch doctors serve will in time kill them. Now, Kumar could no longer perform magic and all his evil powers were gone.
Fearing the evil spirits, Kumar approached the pastor with his problems, and Pastor G showed the love of Christ to him and shared the message of the Gospel. As they prayed together, the power of Jesus was present and the evil spirit left him. Kumar was filled with the joy of salvation! Our new brother in the Lord later testified,
“My powers became powerless when the TRUE GOD’S power empowered me.”
Now he attends the church regularly and is helping Pastor G in outreach as he partners with Serve India Ministries to plant 5 more churches in the surrounding communities.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
An Indian example for Americans for Church Security
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Your Financial Support Is a Great Blessing! Update.
Thank you for everyone who prays for us that we will see God's provision for our ministry. I am amazed each month as the bills get paid even though we receive significantly less each month than we are accustomed to. But our joy is full as we see God provide through so many means. We have our health insurance paid for and we are able to simplify our lives in material goods but we are very rich in joy as we feel this is where God has called us to serve, and where God guides, He provides.
Please pray for us as we seek to raise an additional $500 per month of support and that we grow in our faith so that we can truly be a blessing to Serve India and make a major impact on the villages of India.
We are continually humbled by the generosity of our friends and supporting churches. We have had two of our supporting churches that have kept us on their missions support roll even though they are going through financial hardships. Both of these churches needed to cut their budget, so they reduced everyone 10% and 25% so they wouldn't have to stop supporting any of their missionaries. This is such a blessing to us; it is almost like getting a raise! Their commitment truly honors God.
My prayer is that God will bless these churches greatly for their steps of faith. As well as churches, many of the families that support us do so out of sacrifice, and I know that God is pleased with their faith and commitment to reach India with the Gospel. I pray that God would bless each family that has sacrificed to support our work at Serve India, and I pray that their giving would be a continual work of joy.
Just as the native pastors are the unsung heroes of missions in India, so are the donors in America who have made church planting and evangelism a priority! I know that your commitment will be a legacy of faith that will glorify God.
Benjamin News and Photos
Benjamin and his friend Randy at the
Pine Wood Derby at church.
Benjamin with his Cusions Jace
and Jessica and Mia the dog.
Benjamin helping with with a
booth at a Home School Conference.
2nd Place Best of Show for
his pinewood derby car.
Look Mom! No Training Wheels! :)
Home School Bowling League,
ready for a strike!
Benjamin singing with Janey
at our home church in Harrison, AR.
Colorado Home School Conference.
A display that had several chess
games set up, Benjamin was
able to win several games!
Sunday at our home church in Harrison, Arkansas
We praise the Lord for 250 new pastors this fall! Now we need sponsors.
Denver Home School Conference
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Jesus Has Need of Your Donkey
2 saying to them, “Go into the village opposite you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and a colt with her. Loose them and bring them to Me. 3 And if anyone says anything to you, you shall say, ‘The Lord has need of them,’ and immediately he will send them.”
Sunday, May 10, 2009
These fields are located in states Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Tripura, Andra Pradesh and Karnataka. Please pray for us as we seek to share the vision with as many potential donors as possible. Each mission field costs about $950 per month to fund, but the exciting part is that there should be at least 100 new churches in unreached villages in the next 5 years. That is great return on investment (ROI.) If you know of a church that either I or Brother Ebey might be able to speak at, please let me know.
#1 Greater missions awareness
#2 Connecting the donors to their specific mission field
#3 Creating community with the donors
#4 Greater prayer focus for the pastors
#5 Greater accountability to support the mission field
#6 Creating a viral effect that will encourage members to create their own group
As you can see, the possibilities are enormous, and if we build this web site properly, it should bring in the bulk of our new sponsors for the next 10 or 15 years.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Let Your Hearts Cry Become God's Vision for Your Life

News from Benjamin
Benjamin and I will be setting up a booth at the local home school conference held near the Kansas City Airport on April 17-18. We will be setting up an easel with a large India map and will be giving materials out about Serve India as well as bringing attention to the Dalit movement. To encourage the homeschoolers to sign up for our e-newsletter, we are giving out fill-in-the-blank India maps that the students can research to find out the different states in India. Our hope is that the subscribers will begin to get a burden for the nation of India and begin to pray and support native missionaries and Stepping Stone Tutorial Centers. A sponsor can support 7 children through the Stepping Stone program for only $21 per month or they can support an entire Stepping Stone program of 50 children for $150 per month.
Benjamin does great at conferences. He is very dilligent to make sure everyone who comes by takes some materials. I am curious to see how his endurance holds up through the long day. Benjamin is starting to really get an interest in India, and I hope to take him to India within the next year of two.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
A child who went home one day from the Steeping Stone Center saw her father fighting with their neighbor. Both men were exchanging words of abuse. The problem had started when her younger brother quarreled with their neighbor’s son.
Wanting to bring peace between her father and neighbor, the little girl went to the neighbor’s house immediately and brought the offended boy to her house and made him sit with her own brother and served them some snacks. Their fathers were still quarreling, and when they all on a sudden noticed that the kids had been reconciled, they were ashamed. The little girl told her father how she had learned at the Stepping Stone not to hate her neighbors but to love them.
Stepping Stone Tutorial Centers

The Brahmins are the highest Varna and are the priests and arbiters of what is right and wrong in matters of religion and society. Below them are the Kshatriyas, who served traditionally as soldiers and administrators. The Vaisyas are the artisan and commercial class, while the Sudras are the farmers and the peasants. It is said that the Brahmin come from Brahma’s mouth, Kshatriyas from his arms, Vaisyas from his thighs, and Sudras from his feet.
Beneath the four main castes is a fifth group, the Scheduled Castes. The people of the Scheduled Castes are not part of the Varna system. They are the untouchables, the Dalit.
A Dalit is not considered part of human society, but instead is considered something less than human. The Dalits generally perform the most menial and degrading jobs. Caste rules hold that Dalits pollute higher caste people with their presence. If higher caste Hindus touch an untouchable or even come within a Dalit’s shadow, they must undergo rigorous series of cleansing rituals (See gomutra).
Approximately 250 million Indians (a full 25% of the population) are Dalits. In a country where everybody is supposed to have equal rights and opportunities, one out of four people is condemned to be untouchable.
Although the Indian Constitution guarantees fundamental rights and freedoms for all Indians, Dalits are systematically abused. Dalits are poor, deprived and socially backward. Their most basic needs of food, shelter, and safety are not fulfilled. They also cannot access decent education and employment. The systematic denial of their basic human rights results in a lack of education, food, healthcare, and economic opportunity, thereby keeping Dalits in perpetual bondage to the upper castes.
At each Stepping Stone tutorial center, located in villages where Serve India Ministries is at work, school age children (6-10) from mostly poor families gather each evening to receive help with their school lessons, projects, and homework. These children are loved, cared for, and given spiritual foundation stones as they are served through this program. The project is an outreach tool and complements the Gospel work being done in the community by the pastor who oversees the center.
Why Stepping Stone Centers are Important
The government-run, Indian village schools do provide free education; however, 60-70% of the children from poor and illiterate families drop out because their parents are not able to provide the necessary home support for their education. Without an education, these children will find themselves trapped in the vicious cycle of poverty perpetuated throughout rural India.
Most children in SIM’s programs come from the lower strata of society. They are more than just poor and illiterate. They are the Dalits, or “untouchables,” who are not allowed by their religion to rise above the subhuman status they have been given within Indian society. At least 300 million people fall into this category. These children need extra help to overcome this social discrimination. By government legislation the official caste system no longer exists in India, but centuries of cultural tradition continue to offer little hope for millions of these people.
A Stepping Stone Tutoring Center is a practical and effective way for missionaries to show the love and compassion of Jesus Christ as they share His Gospel message with those who need to hear.
How the Stepping Stone Program Works
A minimum of 50 school-age children are enrolled at the center.
The children come to the center for two hours after the school day and receive tutorial help.
The pastor and volunteers from the church run the center and give spiritual input to the life of each child by teaching Bible stories, songs, and how to pray to Jesus. Several part-time teaching staff are hired to help the children with their school lessons, projects, and homework.
On Saturday, children are invited to attend a three-hour session of fun activities and skill-building lessons. The children will play games, learn Bible stories and songs, and receive instruction concerning better health and hygiene habits, good manners, and life skills.
How to Link your Life with a Stepping Stone Center
The cost to run a Stepping Stone Tutoring Center is $150 per month for 50 children. In other words, for only $3 a child can receive 25 days of help each month. The potential for impact is enormous. Please pray about joining us in this important endeavor.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Formerly a Temple Priest; now a Shepherd of Souls!
One of our Serve India pastors, before he came to know Jesus, used to be a priest at one of these temples dedicated to temple prostitutes. The lifestyle of such a priest is very wicked, and through this debauchery, he contracted HIV and his health started to deteriorate fast. He became extremely thin and was dying. The doctor gave him only a few days to live.
As he lay dying, his grandmother, who had a Christian friend, brought him a bottle of oil and anointed him and said he would be healed. The miracle happened. Gradually he was healed!
Today he is healthy and at a normal body weight with no signs of HIV. He is now married and has two healthy children. He has a congregation of 80+ people in the same village where he was temple priest. The Lord is using him to heal many people. What a privilege it is to serve this brother who has taken on the challenge to plant five more churches. *****This is a new mission field for Serve India; please pray that we are able to find the sponsors to support this field. *****
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Serve India Minsitries; The Time Has Come!
Gene Mackie, a former contractor who has done work in Sudan as well as with Gospel for Asia. Gene keeps the ministry schedule up to date as well as manages many of the correspondences from the mission field to the supporting churches and donors.
I am also serving with Susan Westfall, a 20-year veteran of the mission fields of South America. Susan also served a tour with Gospel for Asia as the videographer. Susan has dedicated her life to fulfill the great commission, is our Operations Manager, and runs a very disciplined and tight ship. When it comes to administrative budget, we are very lean and mean because all of the missions-dedicated funds are sent to India for their specific projects. Not even the administrative budget in Asia is taken out of the proceeds. All the administrative funds are raised separately.
We also are blessed with Todd Cornwell, who is a gifted CPA and has given his time to Serve India as well as an adjacent ministry called Good Measure. Todd defines integrity and keeps us very current with tax law and our IRS reporting.
Then of course there is Brother Ebenezer Samuel, and his bio is too long to enter in this blog, but here is a link that you can go to in order to learn more about our founder.
He is a 32-year veteran of the mission fields of India, beginning as a young man with Friends Missionary Prayer Band, where he would preach from village to village for just $25 per month. He then served as the director of Trans World Radio India for 13 years as well as the Asian director of Gospel for Asia. He carries our God's vision very well, and I will tell you more as time goes.
Pray for us as we serve, and please be generous as the Lord enables you; the Lord's return is closer and closer so let's serve together and await His return.
The Love of My Life
Ben's World
Monday, February 23, 2009
Loaves and Fishes
I think that the real point of the miracle points more to the giver than the crowd that received. Think of the little boy who came to Andrew and offered his 5 loaves and 5 fish. Possibly the little boy had the extra to sell to the crowd? Whenever you travel to many parts of India, you will see thousands of people on the sidewalks selling just about anything so they can make enough money to survive. But I believe what we can take from the miracle is the fact that God can take our gifts or donations and multiply them! That is the exciting thing about partnering with native pastors in church planting. For $35 per month or the cost of a dinner out, we can help reach 5 villages with the Gospel and in turn bring the bread of life to thousands of villages. One could even say 5000 people would be witnessed to and a church planted among them.
I know that God has and will always prosper His people when they follow His principle, but have we ever stopped to think about how much God will multiply our gifts? 2 Corinthians 9:10-12 says
Now he that ministereth seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness;
Being enriched in every thing to all bountifulness, which causeth through us thanksgiving to God.
For the administration of this service not only supplieth the want of the saints, but is abundant also by many thanksgivings unto God;
We can safely say that when we give with the right motives according to God's will, God will multiply our giving and make it do much, much more than if we spend it on ourselves. Our commitment to you as you give to our ministry is to do all that we can to multiply your gift to touch thousands with the message of the Gospel. That is how God's economy works!
We love you; Michael, Jane and Benjamin Erwin; Serve India Ministries
Friday, February 20, 2009
Church Planting Report from Remote North India
This former “magician” got a burden for his mentor who controlled a village near his and shared the story of Jesus with him. The mentor wanted to know more and invited our pastor along with Serve India president Ebenezer Samuel to tell the whole village about Jesus. I have included some pictures of this village.
The mentor listened to the whole message intently and said the message was working in him. He has stopped his sorcery and does not worship his gods anymore. BUT he is not a believer yet. He has been reading his Bible for some time even before he heard the message of the Gospel. He now sends those seeking his help to the nearby Serve India pastor to hear the Gospel instead.
There are literally thousands of these small communities throughout India that are controlled by this type of witchcraft, and most of these villages have never had a Gospel witness. Often these villages are difficult to travel to, as the roads and transportation have changed little in 3000 years. The native pastors are very well suited to make the difficult journeys to these villages to plant churches and raise their families in these poor areas. They are the true unsung heroes of the native missionary movement. Most came to these villages with their own resources and had no means of support and with dogged determination started a church in a totally unreached area. There are also thousands of these native pastors dotted across the map of India who have paid the price to establish a foothold in unreached regions.
Please pray for this magician/sorcerer while he reads his Bible that He will receive Christ. Pray that he will have courage since rejection will come from his caste (he is a Brahmin) and that he will have courage not to fear the demons that he submitted to. Pray that he will know the power of God to forgive and protect him from evil and strengthen him from hardship.