Sunday, May 10, 2009


Even with a struggling economy, Serve India continues to grow. Last year we saw a 50% growth, and we hope to grow significantly this year as well. Brother Ebenezer Samuel is in the United States for the month of May, and we are working to schedule him at as many churches and donor meetings as possible because he has 100 new pastors that need support; that is 5 mission fields.
These fields are located in states Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Tripura, Andra Pradesh and Karnataka. Please pray for us as we seek to share the vision with as many potential donors as possible. Each mission field costs about $950 per month to fund, but the exciting part is that there should be at least 100 new churches in unreached villages in the next 5 years. That is great return on investment (ROI.) If you know of a church that either I or Brother Ebey might be able to speak at, please let me know.


One of the roles of a development director is to make sure that a ministry is communicating regularly and effectively to its donors and potential donors. The web has so many tools to help accomplish this task very inexpensively. With the rise of the social networking sites, we are working on developing an online community that will help support the churches in India. Since a mission field is 20 pastors and a facilitator, why not find key volunteers in the states that will rally 20 donors to come together to support a mission field? $950 per month would be divided among the group and they would be able to log onto a password-protected web page that would be exclusive to their group and focus on their specific area where their mission field is. The effect can be in several areas:
#1 Greater missions awareness
#2 Connecting the donors to their specific mission field
#3 Creating community with the donors
#4 Greater prayer focus for the pastors
#5 Greater accountability to support the mission field
#6 Creating a viral effect that will encourage members to create their own group

As you can see, the possibilities are enormous, and if we build this web site properly, it should bring in the bulk of our new sponsors for the next 10 or 15 years.