Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I trust that you are having a blessed day. Thank you for taking time to read our update. We are so blessed by the generosity of God’s people to help us serve India with the love of Jesus!

The scripture that has blessed me recently is Habakuk 1 verse 1 “The BURDEN which Habakkuk the prophet did see” KJV. The letter begins with the Habakkuk petitioning God about the evil and sin around him; the injustice and oppression. God would spend the rest of the letter answering Habakkuk’s concerns and revealing God’s vision (Hab 2:4) to bring justice to Israel and eventually restore Israel. So the lesson that I learn from Habakkuk is to talk to God about the things of the world that bother us or grieve us; it may be that God wants us to do something about them.

Family update

Our family continues to grow in the grace of God, we are studying the book of Judges together along with reading the daily proverb. We are also reading through the biography of Adoniram Judson, the first American missionary who gave his life and family for the nation of Burma.

Jane’s Birthday

August is birthday month for our family with Jane’s, Ben’s and my mom’s birthday and this year we were able to travel to Minneapolis MN for Janey’s birthday where I was able to visit with the ministry of John Piper called Desiring God Ministries and share with their outreach director what Serve India Ministries does. I was also able to speak at a church on Sunday evening. During our time we were able to visit the Mall of America. What an enormous place that is. I guess you could say it represents America’s materialistic culture and need for entertainment and stuff.

Ben’s Birthday

Benjamin will celebrate his 9th birthday on August 26th and we will begin his 5th grade curriculum September 1st. Also on September 6th will begin his violin lessons. We appreciate his love for classical music and we hope it will translate in a love to apply the disciple of learning the violin. Then for physical exercise, Benjamin will be in a local flag football league and he will be able burn some energy off.

India – January 2012

Later this week we will be sending out a letter asking for help raising the funds for travel to India. We 3 of us going, it will cost between $5500 - $5800. We have already been given $600 toward our goal and we thank everyone in advance for their generosity toward this project.

Ministry Update

Brother Ebey coming in late September

Brother Ebenezer Samuel will be coming to the US on September 22nd and will arrive in Minneapolis where we will attend the Desiring God Conference hosted by Pastor John Piper. Pastor Piper is one of the best missions teachers in America and has inspired many to give their lives for the unreached world. Later in October Brother Ebey’s wife Angel will fly to Chicago and accompany him on the last part of his tours. Please pray for us that we might have favor because we have 300 unsponsored pastors.

Barnabas Group Meetings

On August 27th I will be traveling to Los Angeles to attend two banquets hosted by The Barnabas Group which is a gathering of businessmen who invest in different types of missions and ministry work. Our hope is that we will be able to connect with key businessmen that might partner with Serve India Ministries by providing resources, services or networking that will help us advance our mission.

Web Project

Over the past few months, I have been keeping you updated about our Web project to bring our website up to industry standards and our goal is to bring 30 – 50 new sponsors per month through our web site and this will allow us to keep up with the growth on the field and we won’t have a surplus of 300 unsponsored pastors that we are scrambling to find partners for through church meetings and traveling.

Please be in prayer for this web project as it will take a lot of detail and finances to complete but net result will have a major impact on India.

Thank you for your generosity.

We love you,

Michael, Jane and Benjamin Erwin

Support Update

Support Report

Thank you again for all your generosity, sacrifice and love for our family. As many of our supporters are struggling with decreased finances, retirement and loss of jobs we don’t take for granted the gifts that God’s people so graciously give. Before the summer began, we were able to build us a reserve so that our support would be consistent but now we have depleted most of our reserve through the summer so please pray for us to raise new support and one-time donations that will help us continue. We would love to bring new partners into our ministry because there are 100,000 villages that are waiting to hear the Gospel and be blessed with a local church. Thank you for your generosity.

We love you,

Michael, Jane and Benjamin Erwin