Thursday, September 29, 2011

Support Report - India 2012

One of my favorite Bible verses for ministry would come from Phil 4:3: "In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the Gospel from the first day until now,"
My ministry to Serve India Ministry primarily involves find partners and the root word of partner is "part," indicating that you are part of our ministry and we could not as effective without you. This is the way that God wants His ministry to work throughout the world to involve as many people as possible. No one who call Jesus Lord is exempt from participating in the great commission to take the Gospel throughout the world.

We are still need financial partners to help us monthly, we have had a couple of our partners who have recently lost their jobs and others are giving at great sacrifice; the more financial partners we can bring on our team the easier the burden is for us all. God loves partnership and so do we.

Thank you for your sacrifice to enable us to minister to 5000 unreached villages of India. Together we can see 100,000 villages impacted with the Gospel message.

Thank you for blessing us and honoring God by your generosity.

Michael, Jane and Benjamin Erwin

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Erwin Family Ministry Update

September has been a whirlwind but one that is producing great fruit for our ministry. The month began with a return visit from California where I attended a banquet of businessmen and was able to speak at a church in LA. When I got back to Kansas I continued work on coordinating our web development strategy which is in the design stages and right now going into the actual building of the new website. In my next letter I should be able to show the new sight to you. Once this web project is complete, we should be able to see 30-50 new missionary sponsors coming into our ministry via the web. This the rate of new sponsors to keep up with the speed That Brother Ebey can add new missionary pastors. Each new sponsor represents funding for 5 villages to be evangelized and churches planted.
On September 22nd, I met Brother Ebey at the Minneapolis airport as he began his fall tour that will go through November. We began our time at the "Desiring God Ministries" national conference hosted by Pastor John Piper. We were not able to have a booth at the event but were allowed to place one of our videos in each of the 3000 attendee's conference bags. Please pray that we will see good fruit from this opportunity resulting in missionary sponsors and church meetings with these mission minded Christians. You can learn more about Desiring God Ministries by going to ; there are many great resources on the site and many upcoming meeting opportunities that you might enjoy. From there Brother Ebey flew to SC and will be having meetings in KY, TN. He will then travel to Kansas where I will drive to meetings in TX, OK, KS, WI and IL. On October 20th, Brother Ebey's wife Angel will fly to the US where we will pick her up in Chicago and then they will continue with meetings in OH and PA. Pray for much fruit from his time here in the states as we need to find financial sponsors for 300 of our 1000 pastors. God is good and he will supply where He guides to His glory!

Donate to The Erwin Family Ministries Support Fund

Pastor Jailed for Preaching the Gospel

Karnataka is a state with over 50 million people and only .7% Christian. This is a vastly unreached state and Serve India Ministries has 180 pastors working in 9 different districts. Many Christians are persecuted in India and right now more are persecuted in Kantataka than any other state in India. The following is a report of a pastor that was recently arrested because of preaching the Gospel:

One of our pastors from the Hassan mission field in Karnataka was jailed on false allegation of forced conversion yesterday. He went to a nearby town to meet with one of his new contacts and while he was praying with him, a group of anti-Christians entered the house, dragged the pastor out and beat him up severely and handed him over to the police. A case has been registered against the pastor alleging that he was compelling his contact to accept Christ. Since that time, the pastor has been released on bail and is awaiting trial. His fellow Serve India Ministries from the Hassan district pastors have gone to the police station on his behalf.

# Please pray that as the team meets the Chief things will work out favorably.
# Please pray that the pastor's accusers will repent and to withdraw their case against the innocent pastor.
# Please pray for this district that has witnessed much persecution in the last four months. Pray that God would be glorified in its 2000 unreached villages and the Gospel will go out and churches would be planted.

Donate to The Erwin Family Ministries Support Fund

Janey's Update

Along with keeping a busy schedule of work as well as overseeing Benjamin's home school. Janey is ministering at our local church to oversee the sparks program for AWANA. If you have ever been a part of AWANA, you will know that it requires a lot of planning and detail but the fruit from this labor would be children that are introduced to the Gospel and will live a life of ministry to the glory of God.

We continue to seek solutions to help improve the pain she has from migraine headaches. The reality is that there is not a quick fix to the problem outside of a miracle from God. There is one more stage of mouth pieces that the TMJ dentist wants to try but it will cost another $2000 but we need to pay off the past treatment first.

Thank you for your continued prayer for Janey's enchantment as her contribution to our ministry effort is vital to our success in reaching the nation of India. Pray that God would be glorified in our family as we seek to serve Him and show ourselves faithful to His calling.

Donate to The Erwin Family Ministries Support Fund

From Violin to Football, Benjamin Update

The fall brings a very busy time for home school families in Kansas. After the slow pace of summer, September launches in many fall activities and programs. Benjamin is no exception. Starting September 6th, he began a semister of beginning violin. Benjamin specifically chose the violin after trying out 4 other insturments and he is doing very

well. Already his instructors have taught 3 basic violin songs. Benjamin is part of a homeschool orchastra that will finish their semester with a Christmas concert.

Also as fall comes so does football.
The local city recreations department host several youth leauges for sports and one they offered was flag football. Flag football is great for young boys because they have so much energy and they have to let it out somewhere and flag football is the perfect medicine. The team Benjamin plays on is called the Ravens and they will play 7 games through November and when they are done, we will begin with Upward Basketball.

Donate to The Erwin Family Ministries Support Fund

Glorifying God Through Church Planting

Picture the scene. A village church in rural India with 40 or 50 believers that are sitting with focused attention on the message that the pastor brings to them. They may spend 4 or 5 hours together singing praise to Jesus, praying for one another and giving testimony of God's great grace and glory and how He has changed their lives. Now picture the scene just a few months before; no preacher had ever come and share the redeeming power of God through Jesus' death and ressurection. Before this, each of these believers were living in great dread and fear that the local gods in the temple might attack them because they were not pleased with their sacrifices and worship.

What joy the Gospel brings to their lives, your investment in our ministry helps us send hundreds of pastors into these unreached villages and bringing the liberating gospel and setting the captives free! Luke 4:18 gives us a glimps of the ministry that Jesus has intrusted his church to carry on throughout the whole earth " “The Spirit of the Lord is on me,because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free,"

Right now, there are nearly 5000 villages in India that are part of being introduced to the Gospel for the first time; God is being gloried in their midst and His grace is abounding among His people!

Donate to The Erwin Family Ministries Support Fund